A Cycling Advocacy Organization
Who We Are
Bike Roswell! is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity organization.
Bike Roswell! is an all-volunteer Board and organization that relies on the talents and time of many dedicated Board members and general members.
What We Do
Bike Roswell! advocates for a more bicycle-friendly Roswell. We offer a variety of weekly rides, special events, education and other services in addition to working to ensure bike and pedestrian safety and concerns are presented to the City of Roswell and Roswell residents.
You can download our bylaws here.

BR Board
Bike Roswell! Board members are your friends and neighbors and serve in a completely volunteer capacity. Riders of all different ages, abilities and interests dedicate their time and talents to the common mission of making Roswell a more Bicycle Friendly Community. Together we move faster!
Send us an email at [email protected]
If you are interested in joining the board, please email us at [email protected] or just talk to one of the board members
What is expected from a Board member?
1 Regular Meeting Attendance:
Attend a minimum of 75% of board meetings annually. Board meetings are held over video call on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30PM
Notify the President or Secretary in advance if unable to attend a meeting.
Be on time and stay for the duration of each meeting unless previously discussed.
2 Participation in Events and Activities:
Help organize and participate in events to promote the organization’s mission and engage with members and the public.
Taking an active role in the Mayor's Ride/Roswell Moves! annual event. Participating in the preparation and during the event is strongly encouraged to showcase Board roles to the cycling community.
3 Active Involvement:
Serve on at least one committee or lead a project during your term.
Contribute to discussions, provide constructive feedback and assist in decision-making.
4 Advocacy and Outreach:
Promote the organization’s mission and activities within the community.
Act as an advocate for safe cycling and engage with local stakeholders, city officials and community partners.
5 Financial Responsibility:
Make an annual financial contribution to the organization, as personal circumstances allow, to demonstrate support and encourage fundraising. This can be done in the form of keeping your Bike Roswell! membership active.
Assist in identifying potential donors, sponsors, or funding opportunities.
6 Ethical and Professional Conduct:
Treat fellow Board members, staff, volunteers and community members with respect and professionalism.
7 Preparation and Engagement:
Come to meetings prepared by reviewing the agenda, financial reports, and any other pre-read materials.
Stay informed about current programs, policies and the organization’s strategic goals.
8 Recruitment and Succession Planning:
Assist in recruiting new Board members and volunteers who are passionate about the mission.
Mentor new Board members and help them become effective contributors.